
Friday, June 18, 2010

mila | dear daddy . love kaya

dear daddy,

i wanted to show you how happy i was that you're my daddy.  i had this whole thing planned out but mommy's not too good at this surprise stuff.  well.. actually the first oops wasn't her fault.  i asked her to take your fish (surfboard) to uncle bobby so it could get fixed once and for all.  you've been talking about that one damaged spot since i was in mommy's belly but haven't taken it in yet.  that plan was going well until the surfboard fixer dude said he couldn't fix it.  but there was good news --- it's still surfable!  of course mommy had to go and tell you all about it that day.  ugh.  all that sleuth work, even using uncle steven as surfboard taxi ... all for nothin.  and then i sent her to HIC to get you some boardshorts and twice she had to reschedule and then she puts it in her google calendar so she wouldn't forget which was fine except that she FORGOT that you guys shared that calendar.  so you saw it!  ergh!  everyone knows she doesn't visit tito baltazar for fun.  lol.  what am i gonna do with her?!  oh and now she's doing this post on a friday and father's day isn't till sunday!

ah well ... it's the thought that counts right?  we still got you some boardshorts to get you ready for the philippines and indonesia.  i hope you like them.  i helped her pick them out :D  i think next year i'm gonna hire tita ina to do this.  she did a great job for mother's day.


p.s.  i got you a bball jersey too.  to show you that i love being your bball buddy.  go lakers!

farty kisses,

here's some pictures from our last family meeting ... mom says these are SOOC (straight out of camera) shots.  i had a lot of things to say but you slept thru it all.  

here's the pictures of you n me watching bball.  you're the best TV buddy ever!

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