
Thursday, April 28, 2011

mila | dol . a first birthday

in many traditions the child's first birthday is a big celebration.  in the korean culture this is called dol.  last weekend was little evalyn's dol.  happy birthday evalyn!  your mom and dad prepared a beautiful celebration.

at a dol one of the main events is called toljabee.  it is where the child is presented with a tray of items to pick from encouraging them to pick up an item they are attracted to.  the item they select foretells their future.  the list of items include things such as a calculator (accountant), string (long life), pencil (scholar), stethoscope (doctor).  guests are invited to guess which item the child will select.  evelyn looks like she's leaning towards a career in medicine!  

evalyn's great grandmother had a special song for the group

in traditional dress...

party styling by chicreve


  1. Wow, this is incredible! The pictures are incredible!!!

  2. owwwwwwwwww...........this is soooo a magic....txn mila for these make my day <3
