it wasn't the best year in business for me. i'm sure there's an entire nation and world that would agree with me on that. it's ok though. everything happens for a reason. in a way... i'm glad. it allowed me to focus on our new family and to find my bearings again. tomorrow is a new beginning and i've got big plans for the year. the first quarter is re-vamp time. i can't wait!
p.s. a kaya mini update
- three days ago she started crawling. tentative, subconscious but deliberate. she's as conservative with her movement as she is with her giggles.
- she's quicker to smile now. maybe not with strangers but definitely around family
- she actually cares when i leave her with strangers now. not too much, but enough to make me feel wanted. ... i know... it's all about me.
- she likes to pull herself up to a standing position. she tries anyway
- her first tooth is showing up! bottom left. woohoo!
just throwing these in here coz it reflects how i feel right now. sigh ;)
happy new year everyone and be safe!!!!